The movie is about a girl named Jody, the tallest girl in school. All because of the height gene. Therefore, …
Movies about the Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials are the most famous military tribunal in history that might not have taken place. The Allies did …
Look Who’s Talking Movies In Order
“Look Who’s Talking” is a series of comedy movies of American production. The pictures were released in the late 80-90s. …
Unfriended Movies In Order
A few million dollars from Bekmambetov, the skill of director Gabriadze and the script of Greaves – created a revolution …
Coming to America Movies In Order
The main movie star of the 80s and 90s was Eddie Murphy. Movies with his participation immediately became incredibly popular. …
The Shaolin Temple Movies In Order
“Shaolin Temple” is a series of action movies of Chinese production. The first three parts were filmed in the 80s …
Dollars Trilogy Movies In Order
“The Dollar Trilogy” is a series of movies in the genre of westerns of Italian-Spanish production. The films were released …
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin Movies In Order
“The 36th Chamber of Shaolin” – a series of exciting action movies created by directors from Hong Kong. Pictures were …
The French Connection Movies In Order
“The French Connection” is a series of movie films of American production. The first picture of the franchise became a …
Grease Movies In Order
“Grease” is a series of movie musicals of American production. The pictures of the franchise were released in the 70-80s …